This book was always on my reading list but somehow couldn't lay my hands on it. Finally I managed to grab a copy. Well I am too small to be reviewing this masterpiece. Will just pen few things that I felt reading it. This book can easily be termed as a life teachings by Morrie. The book as we all know a real life tale by the author and his sessions with his professor Morrie on Tuesdays.
The teachings of Morrie are worth pondering. Do we really live? Or we just lead our lives as per the culture created by the society. Are we giving back enough to the world and to our family whom we owe everything?
Book touches on various aspects of lives from Salary to family to marriage to acceptance etc. The book does create a deep impact on you and you feel connected to Coach (Morrie). I admit I got a bit emotional when Morrie died in the end.
I would recommend this book to everybody. I am sure this book will remain in my heart throughout. I would definitely reread it when I need some genuine advise on Life.
A must read book for everyone.
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