Title: The Devil’s Apprentice
Author: Kenneth B Andersen
Length: 232 pages
Genre: YA Fantasy, Fiction
My rating: 4.5/5
The story is about a boy named Phillip who is a very good and obedient kid. He is mistakenly taken to hell to become successor to the Devil.
My Take:
I would like to thank thewritereads and author for providing me with a copy of book for reading and reviewing and become a part of the blog tour. When I was offered this book, I thought the blurb was quite intriguing. We had read many books penned on the world of Angels and that of heaven. At least I have never come across any book that portrays the life in Hell and the world of Devils. So I decided to pick this book.
The book is first in trilogy of The Great Devil War series. After an initial slow start, the book immediately grabs your attention for the depiction of life in Hell. The main protagonist is such an adorable character who can never harm anyone in any circumstances. I also loved Satina and Lucifer who is the Devil. The requisite depth in the characters makes this read worthwhile.
The book is medium paced one with short chapters. The division of chapters is beautifully done. I could imagine episodes of web series in the chapters. Yes, it would make for quite an interesting series. There are many adrenaline rush moments keeping you glued to the happenings of the story.
I wish there was little more depth given to characters of Aziel and his mother who are the antagonists, however I believe the next book in the series will cover the same. The book gives us an insight that every good person can transform into evil due to love, anger, jealousy. It can be a good book to gift kids who will learn how good can have an influence on evil as well.
I loved this read and would certainly pick up the remaining 2 books in the series.
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